Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Influence of Visual Media

Decades have gone by and in that time culture and visual entertainment media has change tremendously. The interrelationship between culture and visual entertainment media has had an impact on both film and television. Television and film have more violence and more inappropriate words but also captures examples of everyday concerns and provides positive feedback. Since the 1950s the primary source of entertainment has been television ,and has developed an impact on books. Most author’s books have been made into movies providing a more entertaining and visual view of the plot in our most favorite stories.Millions of families gather in front of the television daily and weekly to view their favorite television shows. Shows such as The Brady Bunch and The Cosby show began models of what the perfect family should be like. These shows not only brought us laughs but they also taught us lessons of parenting and the challenges that children face growing up. Visual entertainment has als o shaped American culture by creating improvements to television and film. Impacts like high definition television provides us with a better quality when watching the biggest sports events on television.For an example the Super bowl which is one of the largest sports events and those that not able to attention the game usually tune in from home or have Super bowl parties. These parties are usually thrown by those that have the newest and biggest television model. Visual entertainment has allowed us to be able to actually see the news and sports instead of only having the option of listening on a radio. Before television was invented the radio was one of the only sources of entertainment.Although there has been some positive forms that visual entertainment media has shaped visual entertainment media over the years there have been some negative changes to its value. Years ago the content allowed on television was appropriate for all ages but now it is very risky to even allow children to watch their favorite cartoons. Due to the amount of violence and profanity on television American culture now has concerns with bad influences. Children are being exposed to words and behavior that parents of try every day to teach theirs kids what is right and what is wrong but visual entertainment is showing them things that are negative.When you are teaching your children to not use inappropriate language and are being sure that they are not being exposed to specific words and behavior then some they watch on television is shows kids using inappropriate language or behavior it confused children and influence them to try it. The social influences of visual entertainment media are mostly negative. Social media is now a type of visual entertainment media and creates a negative impact to society because on social networks such as Facebook and Instagram where there are constant post of videos and status.The videos posted on these sights contain violence people fighting one another and their friends or family member recording the fights urging them on. They are also videos posted men and women degrading themselves in sexual ways as well as inappropriate dance videos. All of these things are providing negative influences for youth and adults it seems that American culture is being worsen by these things. Social media should ban those that post inappropriate post of status and videos automatically without it having to be reported. Truth is some of it won’t be reported because this is a form of entertainment for so many.The interrelationship between culture and visual entertainment media has many impacts to television and film. Some of these impacts are positive and some are negative either way they have shaped American culture into what it is today. The positive and negative impacts all us to be visually entertained. Visual entertainment media provides the ability to TV and movies based on your favorite books and sports. It also provides negativity throu gh social influences. However, these are all changes that have impact visual entertainment whether good or bad it is still considered visual entertainment.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Long Way Gone: Ishmael

Ishmael Beah was 12 years old when the opposing army, The Rebels, attacked his small town, Sierra Loene. Ishmael fled leaving everything important to him behind. His family, home, and possessions were all gone. With only his brother and nine friends, he ran away. For two years they stayed away from the rebels walking from town to town looking for their lost families. Ishmael lost 8 of his friends and eventually his brother along the way. With only Alhaji left they were found by the army and made to fight or be killed. They used their rap and hip-hop skills to remain popular between missions. To these two gentle-hearted boys killing became a way of life. At the age of sixteen Ishmael and Alhaji were chosen to be removed from the fighting by UNICEF. Upon arriving at the rehabilitation center two boys were killed with hidden knives and guns because they were rebels. The others didn’t care that they too, were forced to fight. This didn’t come as a surprise to the workers; the kids had been doing it for most of their lives. Ishmael entered therapy with kind young women named, Esther. After many months of vigorous therapy Ishmael opened up and finally accepted his new life. With the help of Esther and many other individuals, Ishmael found an uncle of whom his father rarely spoke about and went to live with him and his family. He was enjoying meeting his long lost relatives when he was invited to go to a conference in San Francisco for kids who survived terrifying things and wanted to educate others about it. He was chosen out of millions of kids to speak about child soldiers. He immediately agreed at sent his forms away to the conference officials telling them he was coming. He had problems getting a passport but that was quickly taken care of by the workers from his old rehabilitation center in an effort to help him. He attended the conference and met a kind, rich, woman who helped him and a few friends he met adjust to the city and the constant action that they weren’t used to. When he got back from San Francisco he was shocked to realize that the rebels had taken over the city. Terrified that he would be recognized and killed or that he would have to fight once again Ishmael looked for a way out of the city. He found one and risked being one of the many shot just for being on the street. Ishmael contacted the woman he had met at the conference and she agreed to let him live with her until he could find a way to make money. Ishmael was one of the lucky people who got out of the war, some kids weren’t as fortunate. A Long Way Gone is a true story about a real boy. It’s horrifying that kids as young as nine are being forced into a war they want no part of in order to survive.

Succubus on Top CHAPTER 2

â€Å"Bastien,† I breathed, still disbelieving. â€Å"Bastien!† I threw my arms around him, and he lifted me up like I weighed nothing, twirling me around. When he gently set me back on my feet, he looked down at me fondly, his handsome face cracking into a grin. Until I saw it, I hadn't realized how much I'd missed that smile. â€Å"You look exactly the same,† I noted, taking in the curling black hair that touched his shoulders, the eyes so dark a chocolate brown they almost looked black as well. Unlike me, he liked to wear the shape he'd been born with, the body from his mortal days. His skin was the color of the mochas I consumed regularly, smooth and lovely. His nose had been broken when he was human, but he never bothered to shape-shift the signs away. It didn't detract from his looks any; in fact, it sort of gave him a dashing scoundrel persona. â€Å"And you, as usual, look completely different. What are you calling yourself these days?† His voice carried a faint British accent leftover from many years spent in London after leaving the slave plantations of Haiti. He kept that accent and the French expressions of his childhood only for effect; when he chose to, he could speak American English as flawlessly as I could. â€Å"Georgina.† â€Å"Georgina? Not Josephine or Hiroko?† â€Å"Georgina,† I reiterated. â€Å"Very well then, Georgina. Let me see you. Turn around.† I spun around, like a model, letting him get the full effect of this body. When I faced him again, he nodded with approval. â€Å"Exquisite – not that I'd expect any less from you. Short, just like every other one, but the curves are in all the right spots, and the coloring is very nice.† He leaned closer to me, studying my face with a professional eye. â€Å"The eyes I especially like. Catlike. How long have you been wearing this one?† â€Å"Fifteen years.† â€Å"Barely broken in.† â€Å"Well,† observed Hugh dryly, â€Å"it sort of depends on how you define ‘broken in.'† Bastien and I both turned, remembering we had an audience. The other immortals watched with bemusement, the poker game momentarily forgotten. Bastien turned on a high-beam smile and crossed the room in a few quick strides. â€Å"Bastien Moreau.† He extended a polite hand to Hugh, every inch of him polished and deferential. Incubi, after all, have just as good a sense of customer service and public relations as succubi. â€Å"It's a pleasure to meet you.† He made equally polite introductions with the rest of the group, pausing momentarily when he reached Carter. A brief flicker of surprise in Bastien's dark eyes was the only other indication that he found an angel in our midst odd. Otherwise, his surface charm remained perfect as he smiled and shook Carter's hand. Although clearly surprised at Bastien's presence, Peter stood up dutifully. â€Å"Have a seat. You want a drink?† â€Å"Thank you. You're too kind. Bourbon on ice, please. And thank you for allowing me to show up so unexpectedly. You have a stunning home.† The vampire nodded, mollified at someone finally appreciating his hospitality. I, however, had other concerns and wondered what had caused the incubus to â€Å"show up so unexpectedly.† I suddenly remembered Jerome's taunting surprise. â€Å"Jerome knows you're here, doesn't he?† â€Å"Of course. Long since arranged.† Our kind could not cross into another's territory without making arrangements with the local supervisor. For a group that had allegedly rebelled against the system, we had a staggering amount of rules, regulations, and paperwork. We made the 1RS look juvenile. â€Å"He told me where to find you tonight.† â€Å"And you're here because†¦?† He flung a playful arm around me. â€Å"You're pushy. No â€Å"Hello, how are you†? Can't I just stop by to see an old friend?† â€Å"Not in this business.† â€Å"How long have you known Georgina?† asked Hugh, shifting his solidly built body into a more comfortable sitting position. Bastien turned thoughtful. â€Å"I don't know. How long has it been? Ages?† â€Å"You have to be a little more specific than that,† I reminded him, my mind slipping back to a London of long ago, recalling rough-hewn streets redolent with the scent of horses and unwashed humans. â€Å"Early seventeenth century?† He nodded, and I let my tone turn teasing. â€Å"Mostly I just remember how green you were.† â€Å"I have no idea what you're talking about.† â€Å"Whatever. I taught you everything you know. â€Å" â€Å"Ah, older women.† Bastien glanced around at the others, shrugging his shoulders with feigned haplessness. â€Å"Always so sure of themselves.† â€Å"So, explain how this works,† Cody urged eagerly, young eyes on Bastien. â€Å"You're like the male equivalent of Georgina, right? You shape-shift and everything?† Having been an immortal for less than ten years, Cody was always learning something new about us. I realized he'd probably never even met an incubus before. â€Å"Well, there's really no equivalent for Fleur , but yes, something like that.† I think he preferred calling me Fleur because it was easier than trying to remember the names I kept acquiring over the years. â€Å"So you seduce women?† pushed Cody. â€Å"Exactly.† â€Å"Wow. That must actually be hard.† â€Å"It's not so – wait a minute,† I said. â€Å"What are you implying over there? What's this â€Å"actually† business?† â€Å"Well, he's got a point,† insisted Peter, handing Bastien the drink. â€Å"It's not like your job's all that difficult, Georgina. By comparison, I mean.† â€Å"My job's very difficult!† â€Å"What, getting men to have sex with a beautiful woman?† Hugh shook his head. â€Å"That's not hard. That's not even remedial.† I looked at them incredulously. â€Å"It's not like I can just jump into bed with anyone. I have to get quality guys.† â€Å"Yeah, as of a month ago maybe.† Bastien shot me a sharp look at that remark, but I was too annoyed to acknowledge it. â€Å"Hey, I just won an award, you know. Got the certificate and everything. And anyway, contrary to your pathetic love lives, not all guys will immediately give in to sex. It takes work.† â€Å"What, like horns and a whip?† suggested Peter slyly, referring to a particularly embarrassing incident from my past. â€Å"That's different. He wanted it.† â€Å"They all want it. That's the point.† Hugh turned to Bastien reverentially. â€Å"How do you do it? Got any pointers you can share with the rest of us?† â€Å"Several lifetimes' worth,† chuckled Bastien, still watching me. â€Å"Those are trade secrets, I'm afraid. Although, really, in Fleur ‘s defense, the techniques are the same for both of us. You should have been paying more attention to her. â€Å" â€Å"Low-cut necklines aren't exactly a trade secret.† â€Å"Much more to it than that, my friend. Especially with Georgina. She's one of the best.† Hugh and the vampires looked at me as though they'd never noticed me before, apparently attempting to figure out if what Bastien said was true. â€Å"No need to start that up,† I pointed out hastily. â€Å"Come on, weren't you just bragging about how you taught me everything I know? You and I used to run some good rackets back in the day.† â€Å"What kind of rackets?† asked Peter. When I wouldn't answer, Bastien merely shrugged. â€Å"Oh, you know. The kind that require a partner. â€Å" Cody's eyes widened. â€Å"Like†¦group sex?† â€Å"No!† I protested, unable to stay silent at that. Not that it wasn't in my curriculum vitae. â€Å"Partnerships to suck somebody in. Play husband and wife. Or brother and sister. Or†¦or†¦whatever it takes to nail your mark.† Bastien nodded along with me. â€Å"Men really like the thrill of winning over someone's beautiful young wife. Women too, for that matter. The forbidden always has a certain allure to it.† â€Å"Wow.† Cody and the others pondered this new development and tried probing us a bit more for details. Bastien, sensing my reluctance to elaborate about the past, gave vague answers, and conversation soon drifted to other topics – as well as to Peter's amazing dinner. It wasn't Met good, but maybe the company had biased me. â€Å"Are you going to tell me what's going on?† I murmured to the incubus later, as our group finally rose from the table and began making motions to leave. I was dying to know what could have drawn him here and earned Jerome's approval. Hell's denizens could take vacations, but this smacked of business. Bastien patted me on the back, giving me his trademark grin. â€Å"In good time, my sweet. Is there somewhere we can talk?† â€Å"Sure. I'll take you back to my place. You can meet my cat.† When Bastien left me to once again thank Peter for dinner, Carter strolled over. â€Å"Are you seeing Seth soon?† â€Å"Later tonight.† Seeing his amused expression, I scowled. â€Å"Just get it over with, okay?† â€Å"Get what over with?† â€Å"The part where you tell me how stupid it is to try to have a serious relationship with a mortal.† The mirth faded from his face. â€Å"I don't think it's stupid.† I studied him, waiting for the punch line. â€Å"Everyone else does.† â€Å"Does Seth? Do you?† I looked away, thinking about Seth. That funny, distracted look on his face when inspiration seized him. His goofy T-shirt collection. The exquisite way he could capture the world on paper. How warm his hand was when it slid into mine. The way I just couldn't stay away from him, despite the million reasons that said I should. Suddenly, caught in Carter's penetrating eyes, something inside of me let loose. I hated how the angel could do this to me. â€Å"Sometimes I do. Sometimes I look at him†¦and I remember how it was when I kissed him and felt that love. It makes me want that back. I want to feel it again. I want to return it. Other times, though†¦other times, I'm so scared. I listen to these guys†¦and to Jerome†¦and then the doubts gnaw at me. I can't get them out of my head. We've been sleeping together, you know. Literally. It hasn't been a problem so far, but sometimes I lie awake watching him, thinking this can't last. The longer it does†¦I feel like†¦like I'm standing on a high wire, with Seth at one end and me at the other. We're trying to reach each other, but one misstep, one breeze, one side-glance, and I'll fall over the edge. And keep falling and falling.† I took in a shaking breath when I finished. Carter leaned toward me and brushed the hair away from the side of my face. â€Å"Don't look down then,† he whispered. Bastien had returned, catching the end of my soliloquy. â€Å"Who's Seth?† he wanted to know later, once we were back at my apartment. â€Å"Long story.† Yet I found myself spilling it anyway. Of course, telling Bastien about Seth meant telling him about a lot of other things too. Like a recent encounter with Jerome's half-human, half-angel son – a stunningly beautiful man with a twisted sense of social justice who had been on a semipsychotic mission to make other immortals pay for the shoddy treatment of him and his kind. The fact that he had been a good dancer and a phenomenal lover had not really been enough to make up for his wanton killing of lesser immortals and subsequent attempt on Carter. That, of course, led me to next explain how Seth had witnessed the inevitable showdown and had been injured when I kissed him to get an emergency fix of energy. Jerome had wanted to erase Seth's memory of the whole event, as well as the writer's love for me. I had begged the demon not to, finally getting him to agree when I offered to devote all of my efforts back to seducing and corrupting decent men like a good little succubus should. Horatio's visit had been the ultimate testimony to my â€Å"new and improved† self. Bastien, sprawling on my sofa, listened thoughtfully and frowned when I finished. â€Å"What do you mean? Why weren't you going after decent ones already?† â€Å"I got tired of it. Didn't like hurting them.† â€Å"So what? You were going after bad ones?† I nodded. He shook his head, knowing as well as I did how little life energy an ignoble mortal yielded compared to a good one. â€Å"Poor Fleur . What a miserable existence that must have been.† I gave him a bittersweet smile. â€Å"I think you're the first person that's ever sounded more sympathetic than incredulous. Most people think I'm idiotic for getting by like that.† â€Å"It's a pain, yes,† Bastien agreed, â€Å"and requires more frequent fixes, but hardly idiotic. You don't think I have days when I feel the same way? When I just want to throw my hands up and leave decent women alone?† â€Å"Why don't you?† â€Å"Not our lot. You and I are glorified prostitutes – courtesans, if you want to be more genteel, but it's all the same thing. Switching to bad ones won't change our fates. Won't even do anything in the long run, really, except relieve our guilt a bit, and even that relief doesn't last forever. â€Å" â€Å"Christ. You aren't really making me feel better.† â€Å"Sorry.† â€Å"No, no, it's okay. Whatever. I mean, it's nice to have someone to talk to about this. No one else – none of the other immortals – really get it. â€Å" He snorted. â€Å"Of course they don't. How could they?† My silence agreed for me, and Bastien gave me a kindly look. â€Å"Not that your friends weren't nice. Are there other immortals in the city you can talk to? Any succubi or incubi?† â€Å"A few more vampires and minor demons, but that's it. They're less social than the ones I run with. I have some good mortal friends too. Still. They're not the same either.† I smiled gently. â€Å"They're not you. I've missed you.† Bastien tousled my hair, earning a critical glance from my cat Aubrey. â€Å"I've missed you too.† â€Å"So will you tell me what's going on now?† His serious mien turned jovial. â€Å"Not sure what you're going to think about it, now that I've heard all of this.† â€Å"Try me.† Sliding off the couch, Bastien settled next to me so we could speak face-to-face. â€Å"You ever heard of Dana Dailey?† â€Å"I live on this planet, don't I? She's always my first choice when I'm driving in my car and feel like listening to some highly commercial, conservative rhetoric.† I didn't make any attempt to hide my disdain. In addition to touting worn-out family values, radio host Dana Dailey also enjoyed working thinly veiled racist, homophobic, and even sexist insinuations into her talk show. I couldn't stand her. â€Å"I imagine that mood strikes you quite a bit. Did you know she's Seattle based?† â€Å"Of course. It's a wonder she hasn't dragged down the property value. â€Å" â€Å"Funny you should mention that. A house in her neighborhood just came up for sale.† â€Å"So?† â€Å"So, our employers have purchased it.† â€Å"What?† Grinning, knowing he had me hooked, Bastien leaned in eagerly. â€Å"Pay attention, Fleur , because here's the good part. We got wind of some rumors concerning Mrs. Dailey's ex-pool boy in San Diego. He claims to have been ‘romantically involved' with her.† I racked my brain, recalling a promotional picture I'd seen of her and her politician husband on a billboard. â€Å"Have you seen Mr. Dailey? I'd opt for a pool boy too. What became of the rumors?† â€Å"Oh, you know. The same thing that always happens to rumors with no proof. They faded away; nothing happened.† I waited expectantly. â€Å"Okay, and the house fits in how?† â€Å"Well, like you said, her husband's no prize. Of course, she isn't going to get divorced or anything, not when it could potentially tarnish his political future and her whole prissy, on-air family-values campaign. But†¦the naughty streak is still there. If she's strayed once, I bet she could be lured into doing it again.† I groaned as the pieces fell together. â€Å"Like with a handsome, debonair neighbor?† â€Å"Debonair? Really, you're too kind.† â€Å"So what happens after that?† â€Å"Then we just let the evidence do its work.† â€Å"Evidence?† â€Å"Well, yeah. We're not going to go the way of the pool boy. When I manage to lure the illustrious Mrs. Dailey into physical pleasures surpassing her wildest dreams, there'll be a camera rolling. We're going to record this for posterity, then go to the press. Full exposure, full takedown. No more radio empire preaching to the masses to return to pure, decent ways. Even her husband's political campaign will be marred, thus opening the door for some liberal upstart to take his place and help get this area back into the corrupt rut it so desperately longs for. â€Å" â€Å"Gee, it's all so neat.† He eyed me. â€Å"You doubt the plan's brilliance?† â€Å"I don't know. I appreciate the ballsy factor here, but I think this is kind of out-there, even for you. I can't imagine Dana Dailey,ll go down so easily.† â€Å"Leave the going down to me.† â€Å"Your ego's out of control.† He laughed and pulled me to him. His arms felt good around me. Familiar. Reassuring. â€Å"Admit it. That's why you love me. â€Å" â€Å"Yeah, you're like the brother I never had. One that doesn't set my hair on fire. â€Å" His eyes sparkled wickedly. â€Å"And once again, you've jumped ahead of me. I want you to see me in action on this – not to mention keep me company while I'm in town. You've got to come visit – as Mitch's sister.† â€Å"Who?† Bastien suddenly stood up and shape-shifted. The familiar features morphed, leaving no trace of the rakish incubus I knew. Six-two and broad-shouldered, he now had dark blond hair and sky blue eyes, his face only just losing its pretty boy aspect and giving way to the sizzling promise of an experienced, confident man in his early thirties. When he smiled, those perfect teeth lit up a room. He winked at me. â€Å"Mitch Hunter,† he explained in a suave, movie-star voice. No accent now. â€Å"You got an equally cheesy title to go with that? ‘Mitch Hunter, MD' or ‘Mitch Hunter, Private Investigator?' Seems appropriate.† â€Å"Nah. I'm a consultant, of course. Everyone's favorite nondescript yet well-paid white-collar job.† â€Å"You look like you need a golf club in one hand and a burger flipper in the other.† â€Å"Tease all you want, but Dana won't be able to resist this. Now† – he gestured for me to stand up – â€Å"let's see what you can do.† â€Å"Are you joking?† â€Å"Do I look like I'm joking? If you're going to come visit me, you've got to put on some family resemblance.† I rolled my eyes and stood up. After a moment's study of his features, I shape-shifted my petite body into a taller, more athletic one with long blond hair. He scrutinized me, then shook his head. â€Å"Too pretty.† â€Å"What? This is perfect.† â€Å"That body's unreal. No one looks that good. My God woman, that ass.† â€Å"Oh, come on. You don't think Special Agent Mitch Hunter's sister isn't the type to spend two hours a day on a stair-climber?† Bastien grunted. â€Å"You've got a point there. At least lose some of the hair. These suburban types go for boring and practical.† â€Å"Yeah, but I'm not suburban. I'm your hipper, more stylish – â€Å" Someone knocked at my door. He glanced at me questioningly. â€Å"Oh! It's Seth.† I changed back to my normal body, and Bastien did the same. I opened the door. Seth Mortensen, best-selling author and professional introvert, stood outside my apartment. Clad in a Frogger T-shirt and corduroy jacket, he seemed to have forgotten to brush his hair again. It was messy and brown with a faint coppery cast, mirrored in the perpetual five o'clock shadow across his lower face. His lips turned up in a smile upon seeing me, and I couldn't help but briefly ponder how soft and kissable they looked. â€Å"Hey,† I said. â€Å"Hey.† Despite whatever attraction burned between us, the engine of our conversation always took a little while to turn over. I led him inside, and his expression faltered a bit when he saw Bastien. â€Å"Oh. Hi.† â€Å"Hello,† boomed Bastien, extending his hand. â€Å"Bastien Moreau.† â€Å"Seth Mortensen.† â€Å"A pleasure. I've heard all about you. Your books are fabulous. I mean, I've never read any of them – just don't have the time for that anymore – but I'm sure they're magnifique.† â€Å"Um, thanks.† â€Å"Bastien is an old friend,† I explained. â€Å"He's going to be in town for a while on†¦business.† Seth nodded, and silence dropped in between all of us like a fourth companion. Finally, Bastien cleared his throat. I could see from his face that he was already losing interest, dismissing Seth as too quiet and unexciting. The incubus craved action. â€Å"Well, I should take off. I don't want to interrupt your plans.† â€Å"What are you going to do?† I asked. â€Å"You can't have any plans of your own yet. â€Å" He winked. â€Å"I'll improvise.† I gave him a knowing look. Ruffling my hair again, he embraced me and kissed each of my cheeks. â€Å"I'll be in touch, Fleur . Make sure you keep an eye on the news.† â€Å"I'll never leave my television.† Bastien gave Seth a friendly nod. â€Å"Nice meeting you.† When the incubus was gone, Seth asked, â€Å"When you say ‘old friend,' are we talking, like†¦since the Ice Age?† â€Å"No. Of course not.† â€Å"Oh.† â€Å"It's only been about four hundred years.† â€Å"Ah. Yes. Only four hundred.† A wry expression spread over his face. â€Å"Being with you is a continual experiment in perspective. Among other things.† He considered. â€Å"So what is he? Werewolf? Demigod?† â€Å"Nothing so exciting. He's an incubus. You must have heard of those.† Seth nodded, frowning. â€Å"Sure. Like a succubus only†¦he has to go after women to survive?† I nodded. â€Å"Wow. For all eternity. Wow.† His eyebrows shot up as true wonder played over his face. â€Å"That's got to be†¦wow. That's really rough.† My eyes narrowed. â€Å"Don't even start down that road.† Bastien had said he didn't want to interrupt our plans, but we didn't really have any, short of spending the evening together. I suppose most couples, running out of options, could have resorted to sex or at least making out, but the nature of our relationship required a full itinerary. We mustered some ideas. â€Å"You want to rent a movie?† I offered. â€Å"I've got some coupons.† We ended up renting Gladiator, at which time I discovered Horatio's free rental coupons had expired long ago. â€Å"That son of a bitch!† â€Å"Who?† asked Seth. But of course I couldn't explain. Fucking demons. Back home, Seth and I snuggled on my couch as we watched, warm and close yet still safe from any detrimental succubus effects. He listened with bemusement as I pointed out historical inaccuracies, most of which involved how much dirtier and smellier the Roman Empire had been. When it finished, we turned off the television and sat together in the dark. Seth stroked the side of my face, sifting through the strands of my hair and occasionally brushing my cheek with his fingers. A small gesture, yet when that was all you could do with another person, it became startlingly erotic. I looked up at him. I knew what I saw when I studied him. He was everything I could want and everything I couldn't have. The steady, loving companion I'd pined for all these years. I wondered what he saw with me. The expression he wore now seemed fond. Admiring. And a little sad. â€Å"But thy eternal summer shall not fade Nor lose possession of that fair ow,st; Nor shall Death brag thou wand,rest in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou grow,st; So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. â€Å" â€Å"Sonnet Eighteen,† I murmured, thinking he recited beautifully. Hell, forget his recitation skills. How many guys in this age of instant messaging even knew Shakespeare anymore? His amused little half-smile played over his face. â€Å"Clever and beautiful. How could any man settle for a mortal woman?† â€Å"Easily,† I returned. My friends' misgivings suddenly loomed up in me. â€Å"You could, you know.† He blinked, and his rapt look faded, giving way to exasperation. â€Å"Oh. Not this discussion again.† â€Å"I'm serious – â€Å" â€Å"And so am I. I don't want to be with anyone else right now. I've told you that a hundred times. Why do we keep talking about this?† â€Å"Because you know we can't – â€Å" â€Å"Nobuts.Give me some credit for being able to control myself. Besides, I'm not with you for sex. You know that. I'm with you to be with you.† â€Å"How can that be enough?† It never had been for any other man I'd known. â€Å"Because†¦because†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He tipped my chin up with his hand, the emotion in those eyes making my insides melt. â€Å"Because being with you feels so right†¦like it's always been meant to be. You make me believe in a higher power for once in my life.† I closed my eyes and put my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beating. He wrapped me to him, his embrace warm and solid, and I felt like I couldn't get close enough to him. Probably I should have let the discussion go then, but one more thing was still on my mind tonight. After all, I had a gold-embossed certificate sitting on my counter. â€Å"Even if you can control yourself†¦even if you can stay celibate, you know I won't be.† The words hurt coming out, but my mouth's control switch didn't always function so well. Besides, I didn't want anything standing between us. â€Å"I don't care.† But I felt his hold on me stiffen a little. â€Å"Seth, you will – â€Å" â€Å"Thetis, I don't care. It doesn't matter. Nothing matters except what happens between you and me.† The fierceness in his voice – a contrast to his normal placidity – thrilled me, but it was not that that made me give up the argument. It was the word â€Å"Thetis.† Thetis. Thetis the shape-shifting goddess. The shape-shifter wooed and won by a steadfast mortal. Seth had coined the name for me when he learned I was a succubus, when he'd first insinuated that my infernal standing was not a deterrent. I pulled him closer. Don't look down. We went to bed shortly thereafter, Aubrey snuggling up at our feet. The feel of Seth's body curled by mine under the covers was tantalizing, a cruel whisper of the restrictions around us. I sighed and tried to think of something other than how nice he felt or how great it would be if he slid his hand up my shirt. I grinned as a most unsexual sentiment came to mind. â€Å"I want pancakes.† â€Å"What? Right now?† â€Å"No. For breakfast.† â€Å"Oh.† He yawned. â€Å"You'd better get up early then.† â€Å"Me? I'm not going to make them.† â€Å"Yeah?† His sleepy voice carried mock sympathy. â€Å"Who's going to make them for you then?† â€Å"You are.† It was a well-known fact – at least to Seth and me – that he made the best pancakes known to mankind. They always came out perfect, light and fluffy. Through some kitchen magic, he even managed to put smiley faces on them when he made them for me. Once he'd even puta Gon one. I'd assumed it was for my name, but later, he'd sworn it stood for â€Å"goddess.† â€Å"Am I?† His lips brushed my earlobe; his breath was warm against my skin. â€Å"You think I'm going to make you pancakes? Is that how you think it's going to be?† â€Å"You're so good at,† I whined. â€Å"Besides, if you do, I'll sit on the counter in a short robe while you cook.† Oops. Maybe pancakes could become sexual after all. His soft laughter segued into another yawn. â€Å"Oh. Well then.† He kissed my ear again. â€Å"Maybe I'll make you pancakes. â€Å" His breathing grew slow and regular, the tension in his body easing. Soon he slept, not troubled or tempted in the least by having me in his arms. I sighed again. He was right; he did have self-control. If he could do this, surely I could too. I closed my eyes and waited for exhaustion to take over. Fortunately, it didn't waste any time; staying up late will do that to you. Maybe that was the real key to sleeping chastely. I woke up in his arms hours later, hearing the ever-so-faint sounds of bad seventies music drifting through the wall. One of my neighbors felt the need to do aerobics to the Bee Gees every day around lunchtime. Certifiable insanity. Wait. Lunchtime? I sat bolt upright, panic jolting me into full consciousness as I assessed the situation. My bed. Seth sprawled beside me. The full roar of traffic outside. Clear, winter sunlight pouring through the window – a lot of sunlight. Fearing the worst, I looked at the nearest clock. It was 12:03. Groaning silently, I groped on the floor for my cell phone, wondering why no one had yet called me in to work. Looking at the phone's display, I realized I'd turned the ringer off during the movie. Seven new voice mail messages, the phone read. So much for pancakes. Tossing the phone back down, I looked over at Seth, the cuteness of him in a T-shirt and flannel boxers momentarily allaying my frustration. I shook him, wishing I could just crawl back under the covers with him. â€Å"Wake up. I've got to go.† He blinked up at me drowsily, further increasing his appeal. Aubrey wore a similar look. â€Å"Huh? Too†¦early.† â€Å"Not that early. I'm late for work.† He stared at me blankly for a few seconds and then sat up nearly as rapidly as I had. â€Å"Oh. Oh man.† â€Å"It's all right. Let's go.† He disappeared into the bathroom, and I shape-shifted my appearance once more, turning the pajamas into a red sweater and black skirt, my loose hair into a neat bun. I hated doing this so often, much preferring to rifle through my own closet. Shape-shifting also burned through my energy stash that much more quickly, requiring more frequent victims. Unfortunately, time-crunches call for certain sacrifices. When Seth returned, he did a double take at my appearance and shook his head. â€Å"Still can't get used to that.† I expected him to go home and sleep, but he went with me to the bookstore. Its coffee shop was his favorite place to write. As we walked into Emerald City Books andCafe,I breathed a sigh of relief that neither my manager Paige nor Warren, the store owner, appeared to be around. Still, business had already opened for the day without me, and my chipper, morning-people coworkers made it impossible to sneak in without notice. â€Å"Hey, Georgina! Hi Seth!† â€Å"Georgina and Seth are here!† â€Å"Good morning, Georgina! Good morning, Seth!† Seth left to take up his writing station upstairs, and I made my way to the back offices. All of them were dark, which I found odd. No managers at all. Someone should have opened before me. I flipped on the light in my own office. I was so fixated on figuring out what was going on that the demon took me completely by surprise. Red-skinned and multihorned, he leapt out at me, waving his arms and making unintelligible grunting sounds. I yelped and dropped the things I'd been carrying, recoiling. A moment later, my senses returned, and I walked over and smacked him on the side of the head as hard as I could.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Developing a Balanced Scorecard Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Developing a Balanced Scorecard - Term Paper Example r creating a balanced scorecard and how the scorecard would enable me to evaluate progress, assess the impact of my proposed change, and determine if the costs are justifiable in terms of the outcomes. A balanced scorecard, as defined by Balanced Scorecard Institute (2013, para.1), is "A strategic planning and management system that is used to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals". Further explication by Dr. Carol Huston in this weeks media denotes a balanced scorecard as a tool that can be used in nursing to help establish how assessment and appraisal of accomplishments or achievements will be conducted (Laureate Education, 2013a). Based on these definitions, my first step will be to assess the mission and vision of the my organization in order to identify an unmet need. The second step will be to consider whether the needs of the customers have been met in relation to quality and safety of care. After identification of an unmet need and assessment of customers needs, the next step will be to formulate and outline objectives for proposed change. This will involve identifying strategies and action plans to achieve the proposed change. This will be followed by identifying how performance will be measured. In regards to the elements of a balanced scorecard, data to measure performance will correlate to fiscal, stakeholders, business practices, and learning and growth measures (Laureate Education, 2013a). Fiscal data will be gathered primarily from annual financial reports. To measure performance in relation to customers needs, direct interviews will be conducted whereby patients will be asked to describe their level of satisfaction with services provided. Secondly, patients will be asked to fill questionnaires detailing whether their needs have been met. Data relating to business practices and growth will be gathered through

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Individual Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Individual Report - Essay Example As such, in terms of the organization of the paper, a summary of each section will be provided followed by the views of the reviewer. Major section headings are typed in bold type while sub-section are typed normally. Though not explicitly stated, one can infer the purpose of the research. It is to develop an open-book accounting (OBA) framework that is organized according to the various uses of OBA and employed by practitioners of supply chain management as an implementation tool(Hoffjan , et al., 2011). This purpose is informed by the fact that very little is known of the relevance of OBA in competitive business environments that are normally punctuated by relationships of cooperation and trust between organizations and their suppliers and consumers. In terms of the research process, this section appears misplaced. It shows no connection to the literature review which should be the starting point and basis of the entire research process(Meerwald, 2013). Literature review is the backbone of the research process(Tight, 2013). It is from the review of literature that the researcher identifies the gap in knowledge that they then set out to fill through research. Literature review is accomplished at two levels. The first level gives a broad overview of the subject matter of the research while the second level examines past similar research. Usually, at the end of their research report, the researcher will list data gaps and recommend that further research be conducted to fill these gaps. To this end, Andreas Hoffjan and company have ably demonstrated the existence of a knowledge gap. Past studies on OBA have tended to focus on the functions and consequences of OBA. However, very little is known of the practical applications of OBA. Again, while the research problem is not directly stated, one can infer it from the research paper. While much research has been conducted on OBA, not much attention has been paid to its practical applications to supply chain

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Explaining the civil trial process Research Paper

Explaining the civil trial process - Research Paper Example Notably, the above processes or procedures start after a plaintiff has filed a complaint against defendant with the appropriate court. Appropriateness of court is determined by various factors that include the origin of the plaintiff and defendant, the basis of the complaint, and the damages sought by the plaintiff (Pozgar & Santucci, 2011). For instance, if the plaintiff and defendant come from the same state, then the complaint can be filed within the state’s law courts. In the event that either of the parties is from a different state then a federal court would be appropriate in filing the complaint. In addition, if the complaint is where Amber Andetti (the plaintiff) is seeking to be compensated for damages that are below $3,000, then the most appropriate court is the Small Claims Court, otherwise other forms of courts could be appropriate if the amount is higher (Pozgar, 2007). The first process in a civil case after the complaint is filed is jury selection. Jury selection is the choosing of people who will serve at the trial jury. Even though every individual has the right for a trial jury, the concept is optional for civil cases but mandatory for criminal cases. Once the selection of jury is done the next process within the civil case will be delivery of opening statements (Pozgar, 2007). Opening statements are brief statements that the attorney makes to jury outlining facts as they see them and how they are going to proceed with the case. It should be noted that opening statements made by attorneys are not evidences since attorneys are not witnesses. The second step after opening statements is the presentation of evidence. Presentation of evidence involves witnesses of the plaintiff followed by the witnesses of the defendant. After the presentation of evidence by the witnesses of the defendant, any rebuttal

Friday, July 26, 2019

Reflection on ERIE Step IV Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflection on ERIE Step IV - Assignment Example nother one is influenced by numerous factors, such as personal mind and brain activity of a child, character of learner, educator’s teaching style, form of information’s representation, level of students’ involvement in the teaching process, variety of tasks and assignments, opportunities to implement children’s creativity and initiative, atmosphere in a classroom, psychological approach of the teacher and educator’s experience and emotional urge. Taking into account such a large number of internal and external variables that cause specific impact on the learning process, it is no wonder that frequently results of our educational system can be rather disappointing. This happens due to the fact that some teachers are prone to disregard any notion from the mentioned list and build a lesson according to a standard template; meanwhile, it is imperative to keep in mind that every student is individuality, who sometimes requires special approach. Knowledge can be considered as indispensable part of our not only professional, but also social and private life. According to the gist of studied theories, such as constructivism, objectivism, humanism and behaviorism, the same piece of information can be represented and taught differently thereby the results and return from each approach can vary drastically. With the help of carried out researches, it has been found out that human’s ability to forget some information and fail to apply the knowledge which he or she has gained previously in specific situations is affected by experience and emotional background. Secondly, it has been proved by many scientists that availability and abundance of information, such as personal incentive that encourages student to enroll in a course, the main goal of the lectures, student’s preferences regarding offered activities and learner’s psychological reactions along with age, sex and social background, play extremely urgent role in the character of the final results.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Managing Customers and Quality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Managing Customers and Quality - Essay Example Services include scientific and specialty consulting as well as all aspects of engineering, construction, operations and maintenance. To maintain its success in existing markets and to enter new markets, JE needs to re-evaluate its current marketing mix. This report will discuss the current situation in this regard and redefine JE's objectives due to changes in clients' needs and expectations. To achieve this, the external and internal environment of the company is examined for potential influences that could lead to changes within the organization that will result in customer expectations being fulfilled. The services provided by JE and it's positioning in the present market is also looked at. The resulting strengths and weaknesses in addition to the opportunities and threats will be identified to ultimately provide strategies to compete globally and take advantage of existing opportunities. These objectives are SMART as per table 1. As a broad-based technical professional consulting firm, JE offer a complete range of services to help our clients maintain a competitive edge in their respective markets. From feasibility studies to operations and maintenance (O&M), we customize our services to meet clients' business and project goals. Our global network of technical experts work under a boundary less, seamless philosophy so that clients' receive the best, most economical project or program solution, worldwide. JE offer its services worldwide therefore more prone to be affected by external influences. It works in different social set-ups and so it needs to understand different culture and society. Technological innovations and its inclusion in services of JE play a very crucial role in providing best of services. Services provided by JE have to be economically prudent. Economic conditions of different countries in which JE operating as well as countries economic policies play a crucial role in JE success. Presently environmental factors are the major cause for concern in every country and almost for every project to be started. So JE policies and its commitment for health, safety and environment keep it in front of others. Finally the political situation and political decision-making plays an important role in almost every part of the world and it affects JE'S policies also. Working in global set-up JE has to deal with different political situation and ability to deal such situations decides the growth of the organisation. Basically external and internal environment and influences for any organisation could be appropriately discussed with the help of Porter's Model (Johnson and Scholes, 2006). Michael Porter's Five Forces Model, which is described below: Porter explains that there are five forces that determine industry attractiveness and long-run industry profitability. These five "competitive forces" are - The threat of entry of new

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Anger, Aggression and communication Research Paper

Anger, Aggression and communication - Research Paper Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that frustration has been linked to anger when an obstruction of motivationally relevant goals has been observed. In order for angry affect to occur the situation must be understood and personally important. In other words, there must be a goal that is blocked and others may be blamed. In many circumstances, the blockage of this personally relevant goal can be viewed as either legitimate or illegitimate (unfair). Weiss, Suckow, and Cropanzano investigated the effect of unfairness of a particular outcome on reported levels of anger. As the amount of unfairness increased so did the level of anger. It is important to maintain the distinct difference between anger and aggression. Anger is an affect, an emotion, while aggression is a destructive or hostile behavior. Frustration has been studied with aggression as well as with anger. Dollard et al. were some of the first researchers to investigate the effects of frustration on aggression. They foun d that the obstruction of an expected reward created increased levels of aggression. More recently Leonard Berkowitz and his colleagues have modified this theory. In general it is accepted that the blockage of some personally relevant goal leads to frustration, which in turn may lead to anger and/or aggression. The type of frustration required to elicit an anger response may not need to be a goal of long standing personal relevance. Roseman investigated appraisals involving emotions and concluded that transient rewards or fleeting punishments can produce anger arousing affect. Obstructions to a goal determined to be purposeful created more anger than situations in which they were deemed accidental, even in temporary situations of reward and punishment. There is evidence indicating that people may become more aggressive in a frustrating situation, specifically, when anger is primed in comparison to fear. Betsch (1999) studied the concept of hostile aggression with university students . Hostile aggression was measured by participants' reactions when confronted with a scenario involving a frustrating event. Either anger or fear related cognitions were activated. Results indicate that in the anger priming condition, hostile goals (i.e. aggression) were more likely to be reported. This suggests that frustration, anger, and aggression are associated. It is assumed that in a frustrating situation, levels of anger will increase. As reported previously, as anger increases so does the amount of aggression displayed. There are other reasons for the onset of anger and in turn aggression. One interesting aspect is the role of communication. Communication Communication is an essential part of human existence, and research suggests that there are innate mechanisms in the development of human

Leadership-Article Critiques Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Leadership- Critiques - Article Example These terms are used interchangeably to define the types of leadership. The article addresses several issues affecting leadership development. The contribution of literature based paper in defining the leadership issues is addressed in the article. Distributed leadership emerged in the education sector and has improved the performance of the students and the facilitators. It contrasts the team-based shared leadership literature. The article addresses gaps in the literature and illustrates the incompleteness of the study associated with shared or distributive leadership. In spite of the glaring difficulties of the study, it is evident that shared leadership is a complex process and a modern concept not understood by many leaders and managers. The article evaluates the assumption associated with traditional and shared leadership. Shared leadership is defined in the article as a simultaneous, ongoing and mutual influence process occurring within a team. Therefore, the work of shared lea dership is to develop the necessary interaction between the members of the team. The exploration of the fine grained dynamics of relationships within teams will produce very different research agendas based on the theory employed. In fact, the issues requiring articulation could not be addressed in the article because of the minimal literature present in the society. Critique The article is useful when addressing the leadership styles in the society. In fact, shared leadership has been used in the society to define then various issues associated with education, but the study of shared leadership has been minimal. The findings of the research are conclusive based on the number of participants and the nature of the leadership trends. I agree with the findings on shared leadership application. The role of the leaders in education is captured significantly in the process through the literature review presented. In illustration of shared leadership, the article evaluates the nature and a cceptability of shared leadership in other sectors of governance. Consequently, it addressed the application of shared leadership concept in business and organizational set-up. To illustrate change in leadership and management, the article addresses issues that affect management of teams and change of behavior. The impact of shared leadership in education is evident through the success achieved in the management of the teams. In spite of the challenges associated with the topic, the authors are able to develop a concise understanding of the leadership process and encourage the development of the necessary skills. The article is effective in describing the dynamics of relationships and the ontological debates of interest in the contemporary society. Therefore, leaders must be able to address the issues of shared leadership. Theorizing leadership should be undertaken based on extensive research carried out. Therefore, the article is vital in addressing shared leadership because it is conclusive and has diverse research work undertaken. Distributed and shared leadership articles are not less important for broader issues associated with human thinking and relationship. In conclusion, the article describes distributed and shared leadership conclusively. Article title: Exploring Distributed Leadership in the Small Business Context Article summary The article address

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Strategy and Competitive Advantages of Aldi Group Essay

Strategy and Competitive Advantages of Aldi Group - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that by maintaining a healthy work culture the company is in an advantageous position to grab a large share of the market and expand its business. It is noted that the organizational culture is constructed socially and it is influenced by the environment change. It also depends on the leadership strategies adopted by the team leaders of the organization which influences the team members to perform well in teams and have a cooperative attitude. Good performance of the organization has a positive impact on the society and the company gains reputation in the international markets. A well-designed strategy involves the mission and vision of the organization and the way the employees can be motivated to contribute to the organization’s reputation. By applying the cost-cutting strategy the company earns a profit that it can utilize in future business activities. The company aims at developing a new business program in order to invite supplie rs as well as provide benefits to the employees. The business model followed by Aldi was based on efficiency as well as simplicity. The product strategy followed by the managers of Aldi depended on carrying a limited variety of the relevant products that are in high demand in the market. The change management theory involves the building blocks within the company in order to achieve the future goals. The managers of Aldi Inc. plans to carry out the change within the company so that it can compete with the modern world. The company follows the Kotter’s eight-step change management theory that involves various steps to undertake a change within the organization. The first step involves the process of identifying requirement of change within the company. The next steps deal with planning for the change by forming a team. The third step involves that Aldi Inc sets a vision for undertaking the change. The fourth step involves that the employees of Aldi understand the vision and ac cept it. The fifth step involves that managers Aldi plans the strategies in such a way so as to remove the obstacles in the path of undertaking the change. The sixth step involves that the employees and the managers of Aldi plan for a short-term win. The seventh step of the theory involves that the company hires employees to undertake the change and plan for the process to be followed to undertake the change. The ultimate step involves that managers of Aldi Inc. ensure leadership development within the organization for the success of the organization and to achieve its goal.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Special Needs Rule Criminal Evidence Essay Example for Free

Special Needs Rule Criminal Evidence Essay This week we were giving the following scenario and ask to decide if this incident follows in the special needs rule and if it justify the officer’s search of the parked car’s trunk without probable cause? In this essay I will be discussing the special needs rule and my thoughts on the scenario. First of all let me start by giving the scenario we were given to work on this week that way you have a better idea of what’s going on. A police officer was investigating a burglary during which a handgun had been stolen. The police officer was at the time also acting as the police advisor to a high school. School officials called the officer and told him that the gun might be in the trunk of a students car parked in the school parking lot. Next let me explain the special needs rule that way you have a clear understanding of what it means. This is when an officer feels that he or someone else is in danger and must satisfy a government interest beyond ordinary criminal wrong doing. Just so you understand what it means here an example .A officer goes to a call for domestic dispute and other people in house start acting sapience and he spots a gun near one of the resident’s then he may search house and retained everyone till the house is cleared for his safety and other. In the above scenario I believe the officer has full rights to search the said vehicle do to the facts as listed. The first cause would be guns are not permitted on school grounds and I believe it his duty to see to it that it not goanna be used to commit a crime against students on campus. Last of all I believe no student should have a gun in a vehicle without being legal age and having proper carriage licenses. I believe that the officer has all right to believe that there is a crime is being committed if said school officials have proof that there is cause to believe student has gun. My personal thoughts if this officer was made aware and didn’t check it  out as a parent I would be upset. For several reason but mostly due to fact that he could have put mine and other children in harm’s way. I believe it always better to be safe than sorry due to how bad the school shootings have got. I feel if we could get guns out of our kids hands then we should and authorizes should help. Well now that this is said I hope you find my points and thought to be helpful and honest. I have really enjoyed learning about this special need rule and believe that officer have become so afraid of being wrong that they don’t exercise this rule enough. As a officer wife I know I would rather my husband be safe and keep his oath to protect than to have a guilty conscience’s. Reference’s that I found useful: 1. 2. 3. 4. I also talk with Officer Luke Denning of Springfield Police Department of Springfield, FL

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Importance of Integrated Marketing Communications

Importance of Integrated Marketing Communications This research will be dedicated to the subject area of Integrated Marketing communications and will investigate the planning and execution of marketing communication strategies. The proposed tittle of the dissertation is: An investigation of contemporary approaches in managing marketing communication strategies to forge brand awareness and to build strong brand-consumer relationship through the use of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). A case study of Indian Companies. Marketing Communications are the means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade, and remind consumers- directly or indirectly- about the products and brands they sell. Kotler and Keller (2009). In accordance to this definition, Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) can be characterised as a concept that focuses on identifying and developing strategy with the right combination of marketing channels to forge a stronger brand-consumer relationship. 2. Aims and Objectives for the Research (Background and Issue/Issues underlying the research)? Aims It is important for any organisation to notify consumers about its products and brands exploiting different means and to market their products. However, the development such marketing strategies rebuffs the existence of significant factors and assumes that the process is flexible enough to cope with any adversities that are expected in the real world. However, the aim of this dissertation will be to demonstrate that this assumption is wrong and the situation is indeed a significant aspect in the selection and configuration of the marketing communication strategies. The dissertation will critically reflect on the methods followed by organisations and will attempt to formulate a situational approach in developing an effectual marketing communication program. Objectives The objectives of this research would be: Outlining the role and relevance of Integrated Marketing communications in establishing stronger brand-consumer relationship. Critically evaluating the development of an analytical framework of various Integrated Marketing communications tools for planning communication strategy. Examining the effects of information provided by the marketers on customers attitudes towards a product or brand. To propose a set of best practices that lead to the development of an effective marketing campaign by a situational combination of different elements of the examined models. 3. Literature Review that will provide the academic underpinning: The literature discusses Integrated Marketing Communication to be a concept which is designed to make all the aspects of the marketing communications such as advertising, direct marketing, personal selling, etc. to work as a unified force rather than permitting them to work in isolation. Kotler and Keller (2009) define Marketing Communications as the means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade, and remind consumers-directly or indirectly-about the products and brands they sell. In addition to this, they view integrated marketing communication as the personification of a company and its brand which possesses a message and builds relationship with the consumers. Kotler and Armstrong, 2008 also comes to the conclusion that the objective of marketing communications is to ensure the consistency of message with complimentary use of media. Kotler and Keller, 2009 states that Integrated Marketing Communications helps in building brand equity by portraying the brand in the minds of the potential consumers and forming a brand image. Kotler and Armstrong (2008), claims that conflicting messages from a wide range of media mix and communication approaches creates confusion in the consumers mind about the companys image, brand positions, and customer relationships. They also maintain, Integrated Marketing Communications leads to a total marketing communication strategy aimed at building strong brand-consumer relationships by creating awareness of the brand among the consumers and linking it to the right associations to the brand image in the their memory. Kotler and Keller (2009) argue that to reinforce the prestigious image of a product or brand, a well-chosen formulation of Integrated Marketing Communications platforms is important. The marketers must seek and co-ordinate the messages from a variety of different sources (Yeshin, 1998). Yeshin further extended that there must be a feedback mechanism between all the elements of the communication strategy and the development inputs of the communication strategy must be chosen in a way that fulfil the promotional objectives established for the campaign. Percy (2008) recognized the integrated use several of marketing communication tools as the largest and fastest growing form of marketing communication which the company uses to introduce or to strengthen its product or brand in the market place. Onkvisit and Shaw cited in Blythe (2003) states that customers attitude is the learned inclination to respond time to time in a favourable or unfavourable way towards that particular product. Opinion towards a product or brand can be considered as a measure of how much a person likes or dislikes a brand (Pelsmacker, Geuens and Bergh, 2001). They describe the reason for these brand attitudes is the belief that the more favourable the brand attitudes are, the more likely the purchase of a brand becomes. Cognitive orientation, based on an information-processing, problem-solving and reasoning approach of human beings, considers the consumers to be an adaptive problem solver, who uses the information provided through various channels to conceptualize and acquiring knowledge (Fill, 2002). It appears that many of the motives for purchase are driven deeply by information provided by the marketers explaining that how the use of a particular product or brand can solve a specific problem, which is also supported by Fill (2002). Developing effective communications begins with identifying the target audiences, their objectives, designing messages, selecting the channels and establishing the budget (Kotler and Keller, 2009). Furthermore, they maintains that most effective communication plan focuses on achieving multiple objectives such as brand awareness, brand attitude, brand purchase intention, etc. The targeted audiences have critical impact on the marketers decisions about what will be said, how, where, when and who will say it (Kotler and Armstrong, 2008). Harmonizing to Kotler and Keller (2009), Kotler and Armstrong suggest that feedback also plays an important role in making a communication strategy more effective. Marketers need to know where the target audiences now stand and to what stage they need to be moved (Kotler and Armstrong, 2008). Researches indicate that the best communication program ask questions and allow readers and viewers to form their own conclusions (Kotler and Keller, 2009). 4. Sources of data/information you anticipate using: The selection of resources has been limited by the fact that there is no financial support available. For my project, I will use the following resources: Personal Network: My professional experience put me into the position of having a well-populated address book in hand. I have identified a group of individuals, who not only have the required level of expertise but might also want to participate in my project because they are interested in the subject. The information will be sourced from three directors, two general managers, four marketing managers of the companies listed below: Schà ¶n Ultrawares Pvt. Ltd., India. Tulip 3P Media Pvt. Ltd., India. Daksh Tools and Appliances Pvt Ltd., India. Libraries: There are university library and several public libraries, I have access to. In addition university library offers a nation-wide inter library loan service. Association for Computing Machinery: This special interest group for computer professionals provides several valuable resources. Most of them can be directly accessed online via the Digital Virtual Library. 5. Access/Research Ethics: I will confirm the Chairman, Directors and Marketing managers of the company clearly and in advance of the purpose of my research. I will ensure that they understand that I am collecting data for my Masters research. I will notify them that the data will only be published in my Dissertation. I will do this on email. I will also report them on email that the identity of the Company as well as their identities will not be revealed in my Dissertation. I will do this by speaking with the Directors and the marketing manager and also emailing them. I will also advise them that their views will not be read by other respondents in the Company. In this way, I will ensure confidentiality. 6. Possible techniques to be used for data/information analysis/interpretation: Several factors call for an inductive approach for this research. The limited resources do not permit an exhaustive data collection as required for a quantitative analysis. At the same time, the differences in the Integrated Marketing Communication programs across organisations suggest a qualitative analysis that can take into account the particular set of circumstances under which the data has been collected (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2009). In this respect the aim of the dissertation will be addressed through desk research and structured interviews. The desk research will involve critical evaluation on the readings from text books and articles from journals, newspapers and magazines, etc. written by the academics and practitioners related to the underpinnings of the basic theories and management of Integrated Marketing Communications. Data collection will consists of gathering information from directors, general managers and marketing managers. The research will incorporate interviews to identify the groundwork, beliefs and attitudes of the marketing personnel regarding the use of various platforms in their marketing strategies. Data generated from this research will be recorded, summarized using the content analysis technique and will be compared to the data by other studies, the results of which are presented in the literature. 7. Potential Outcomes of your piece of research: The outcomes of the research would be: Finding out and understanding the underpinnings of the marketing strategy of the Indian companies and the practices performed by them in regard to the use of the various Integrated Marketing Communication platforms to make customers aware about their products, brands and services. Comparing the practices of the companies with those of theoretical models proposed by the academics and practitioners to find out how the company performs in relation to the model. Recommendations on the strategies of the company as to whether they should stick with the same methods or how can they improve the quality of their strategies in spreading awareness through Integrated Marketing Communication platforms. 8. Timetable for your research covering the whole period of time available (by month) as below: Time Frame Activity March Refine research objectives. Some part of reading for literature review. April Deciding the structure of the literature review. Finalizing access arrangements. May Deciding on interview dates. Deciding on data for the questionnaires. June Finish reading for literature review. Begin writing chapter-1. Writing chapter-2. July Designing the questionnaire. Designing the interview structure. Designing how to analyze secondary data. Writing chapter-3. Beginning the interviews. Sending out questionnaires. August Finishing collecting data. Analyzing data. Writing chapter-4. Begin writing chapter-5. September Finishing chapter-5. Reviewing other chapters. Applying final changes. Proof reading. Submission of Dissertation.

Rehabilitation, Treatment, and the Management of Offenders: Can Punishment Cure?

Rehabilitation, Treatment, and the Management of Offenders: Can Punishment Cure? Abstract This paper will discuss how the authors of three particular articles, Megan Comfort, Mona Lynch, Kelly Hannah-Moffat and Paula Maurutto, interpret the rehabilitative processes for criminal offenders. The authors’ arguments of who is responsible for this rehabilitation vary widely. There will be a brief summary of each author’s argument and the essay will conclude in explain which authors argument is most comprehensive in explaining who the responsibility of rehabilitation falls on. Key words: Punishment, Rehabilitation, Rhetoric, Responsibility ] The Best Seven Years I Could’a Done: The Reconstruction of Imprisonment as Rehabilitation By Megan Comfort The Best Seven Years I Could’a Done by Megan Comfort is about the rehabilitation process experienced by many low-income men in the United States. Rehabilitation is defined as restoring someone to a useful role in society (Rehabilitation, 2009). Comfort says that the men who are incarcerated in California turn to prison as a way to achieve healthier relationships and to improve themselves. Since rehabilitation programs are scarce, the individual becomes responsible for their own improvement. We can see that people report making the best of their situation even when there are not sufficient programs available to help them get clean. However we can see that the lack of these programs can be a risk towards reoffending. Even though there are some programs available, the offenders claim that these programs lack anomity and would rather spend their time behind bars because they are able to establish goals that they want to achieve once they are released. Thus, the responsibility of r ehabilitation is shifted on to the individual, and we can question if the role that parole agents play is of any significance at all. Comfort also finds that these men engage in a period of acting as if their experience in the penitentiary is effective in preparing them for re-entry into society. However, after these men are in fact released from the penitentiary, they realize the negative repercussion of not effectively being rehabilitated. In contrast, rehabilitative treatment in the forms of therapy, job training, and education can show much more favourable outcomes for an individual being reintegrated back into society. Rehabilitation as Rhetoric: The Ideal of Reformation in Contemporary Parole Discourse and Practices By Mona Lynch Mona Lynch talks about the shifts in the purpose of parole throughout history. She marks three strong changes in parole history in which each era has a different view on who is responsible to improve the parolee. The three eras of parole are marked thus; the disciplinary era, clinical era, and the managerial era. Lynch discusses the first two as being a combined responsibility of the state, community, and the individual to help them become normalized into society. In the third era, she states that the responsibility is shifted on to the parole agent and the offender to help him improve. We can see that there is a shared responsibility. Lynch goes on to say that there is little investment put into rehabilitative measures and programs to assist the parolee to improve. In conclusion we can see that the issues that the agent would help the individual with are actually being addressed as the poor choices of the individual, and while there are programs in place to help fix the poor choices the individual has made, they are actually used as coercive tools against the parolee. We can see that the rhetoric of rehabilitation is expressed as placing unrealistic demands on the individual to normalize themselves, and if he does not succeed it is considered their own fault, and the agents are able to use coercion when they believe it is necessary to protect society from deviant behavior. Shifting and Targeted Forms of Penal Governance: Bail, Punishment and Shifting and Specialized Courts By Kelly Hannah-Moffatt and Paula Maurutto Shifting and Targeted Forms of Penal Governance by Hanna Moffat and Paula Maurutto discusses rehabilitation in Canadian specialized courts. They state that rehabilitation today is much different from the past. Throughout the history of the criminal justice system, rehabilitation took on the purpose of providing therapy to the individual offender, but today it operates on two levels. The first is to provide therapy to the offender through job training and counselling and the second purpose of rehabilitation is to exercise control. The latter purpose can be seen as being intrusive. The criminal justice system is combining rehabilitation and punishment as a punitive measure. They argue that rehabilitation does not serve a single purpose but it is binary. In conclusion we can see that rehabilitation is very messy because it is both a combination of punishment and therapy and also takes the role of being coercive and controlling. The Responsibility of Rehabilitation Rehabilitation has shifted in form throughout history and has gone from being therapeutic to taking on a controlling and coercive appearance. Many people argue about which form of rehabilitation is most effective but the purpose of rehabilitation is to figure out why an individual committed a crime, and focus on those aspects to foster a permanent change. It is part of a larger modernity. There are many articles about who should take on the responsibility of rehabilitation and through this analysis I will outline how the authors Megan Comfort, Mona Lynch, Hanna Moffatt and Paula Maurutto write about the subject. Then I will conclude with which author presents the most comprehensive argument for who should take on rehabilitation responsibility. To begin with, Mona Comfort says that jail fails to rehabilitate an individual back into society because the prison system does not have programs in place which could assist the offenders in becoming normalized into society. She says that the prison only serves the purpose of being a â€Å"primary means of service access† where these men who are denied social welfare are now able to get a hold of it within the penitentiary (Comfort, 2008). These men act as if the prison will help them re-enter society because they are able to establish goals that they want to achieve. However, Comforts studies show that tens of thousands of released prisoners who relapse and reoffend are a blunt testimony that the California Department of Correction or Rehabilitation is wearing very few rehabilitative clothes† (Comfort, 2008). Even though men believe that the prison will make them â€Å"clean†, studies prove that they more often than not will reoffend because the programs to help them become â€Å"normalized† in jail were non-existent or inadequate. In contrast, Mona Lynch writes that rehabilitation is more present in penitentiaries than Comfort would argue. She states that although rehabilitation has changed into being more â€Å"managerial†, it still holds onto some past ideologies so we can look at it as merely re-invented. It is holding the old rhetoric but doing it in different or modern ways. In the past it took on a therapeutic form but today it is binary in being both therapeutic and coercive. In her opinion, rehabilitation is a combined responsibility of both the offender and the parole agent, but there is more emphasis on the offender â€Å"wanting† to improve. She also writes that rehabilitation appears important for the agency to portray to a number of audiences, including the public, the clients, and the agents responsible for putting goals into actions. The commitment however does not extend past this rhetoric (Lynch, 2000). Finally, Hannah-Moffat and Maurutto see rehabilitation in a different form than Comfort, but somewhat similar to Lynch. They see rehabilitation motivated by therapeutic and preventative goal and they rely on relationships with community groups to create a range of interactions with the court and the offender (Hannah-Moffat Maurutto, 2012). The way that rehabilitation has shifted from being just therapeutic, then to coercive, and then into a meshing of the two, is a new feature of the Canadian criminal justice system. They write that rehabilitation is a shared responsibility, and it extends beyond the prison. It takes the combined efforts of professionals and the community to work together to re-integrate an individual back into society. One can also argue that this type of rehabilitation would be fairer in terms of seeking the best program to treat the specific needs of the offender, and will be more successful in reintegrating them into society as a result. In Maurutto and Moffattà ¢â‚¬â„¢s argument, rehabilitation is able to be a life-changing experience rather than just an effort to change a person’s deviant personality. In conclusion we see there is a variation in the arguments presented by Comfort, Lynch and Maurutto and Moffat. However, in my opinion I believe that the latter two authors who argue that the state and community should work together to make the individual more responsible is more comprehensible than the other two arguments. Although Comfort states that the responsibility falls on the offender, studies show that they will risk reoffending if left to their own devices. This does not then seem realistic to make the individual responsible for their own rehabilitation, because the purpose of punishment is to deter an action that deviates from the societal norms. She also argues that the prison does not offer programs and even when they do that they’re counting on you not to use them (Comfort, 2008). Instead the state decides to spend $35, 587 a year to imprison an offender, forgetting that they could use those funds to re-integrate the offender. The individual is made responsible a nd they leave the prison with â€Å"no additional skills or information to help him enter society (Comfort, 2008). It is therefore not effective to not make the state responsible because the individual cannot find a job on his own and he is left seeking the criminal justice system to help him get clean, but this only provides him with temporary access to social welfare. On the other hand, Lynch’s argument that there is a shared responsibility between the parole agent and the offender is more comprehensive and potentially effective than Comforts because there is an external assistance system set up to rehabilitate the offender. There is also the implementation of punitive punishments. The reason why Comfort’s argument in making the individual responsible does not bode well is because you cannot expect someone who is deviant to be responsible. However with parole agents taking on part responsibility, it seems more likely that rehabilitation will have a greater success rate. Lynch argues that in the past, parole served the purpose of being therapeutic and today it takes on both therapeutic and coercive roles. This is more of an effective argument because the purpose of jail is to punish as well as to help them get back into society. The new era of parole is more effective because the state is protecting society from risky offenders while helping them get back to being normal and productive in society. In conclusion, this model is not completely casting off a segment of the population, rather crime punishment and disciplinary action are working together to make combined efforts to help make the offender responsible (Lynch, 2000). However, the argument made my Hannah-Moffat and Maurutto offers an even more comprehensive argument for who should hold the responsibility to rehabilitate the individual. They argue that rehabilitation happens the moment you are charged, and since there are specialized community groups working with the offender, they are able to address the underlying holistic needs of the offender in order to ensure successful completion of a treatment program (Hannah-Moffat Maurutto, 2012). Conventional courts are criticized for failing to address effectively chronic social programs which is why if the specialized courts take the responsibly they are better equipped to target specific needs (Hannah-Moffat Maurutto, 2012). The whole process of how best to rehabilitate specific cases and individuals would begin the moment the charged person entered the courtroom and would not wait until they entered jail itself. Each method starts rehabilitation at a different time in the individuals interaction wi th the criminal justice system, but in the third one it starts from the beginning; the moment the individual is charged. This is almost more of a preventative style of rehabilitation and a hybrid. In conclusion, using Hannah-Moffat Maurutto’s ideas on the responsibility to rehabilitate an offender being shared between specialized courts, community programs and the individual is better because it takes on preventative therapeutic practices but they have not eroded the traditional form of punishment (Hannah-Moffat Maurutto, 2012). The opportunity to participate in these programs is beneficial for the parolee because â€Å"their charges may be withdrawn, or they may get an absolute or conditional discharge† (Hannah-Moffat Maurutto, 2012). This seems more effective because the courts are working together to normalize the offender and this allows them to not have the stigma of being a criminal. The offender can find a job without the trouble of their record following them. Therefore having specialized courts and therapeutic programs, and the individual work together to help rehabilitation is more comprehensive compared to having an individual take on full responsib ility or having the state take on sole responsibility. Working individually, neither party can be trusted to make the right or rational choices for the prisoners, thus a binary response is needed for joint liability and oversight. References Megan Comfort (2008). â€Å"The Best Seven Years I Could’a Done: The Reconstruction of Imprisonment as Rehabilitation.† In Pat Carlen, Imaginary Penalties, Cullompton, Devon: Willan. Pp. 252-274. Coursepack. Mona Lynch (2000). â€Å"Rehabilitation as Rhetoric: The Ideal of Reformation in Contemporary Parole Discourse and Practices.† Punishment Society 2(1): 40-65. Stable URL. Kelly Hannah-Moffat and Paula Maurutto (2012). â€Å"Shifting and Targeted Forms of Penal Governance: Bail, Punishment, and Specialized Courts.† Theoretical Criminology 16(2): 201-219. Stable URL. Rehabilitation. (2009). Retrieved from

Saturday, July 20, 2019

US History :: essays research papers

Even before the eve of the Revolution, the colonists constantly had the image of independence lingering in the back of their heads. The colonists felt that they were first on a loose leash, and as that leash tightened over the years, the colonists began to understand their true culture and identity. As time passed, the colonists developed a greater sense of their identity and unity as Americans and by the eve of the Revolution, even though at first the colonists were unorganized and had problems with being united, they remained determined to gain their identity and unity as Americans.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The most significant factor in that time period was unity. The wrath of intercolonial disunity slowly dissolved as time went on. Enormous distances between colonies, geographical barriers like rivers, conflicting religions, varied nationalities, different types of governments, boundary disputes, and resentment amongst themselves were the factors involving disunity. However, the colonists over time started to understand that they were all fellow Americans who shared common ideals. In 1754, the Pennsylvania Gazette showed the colonists an image that would show that unification was essential for independence. It was a picture of a snake that was cut into little parts and each part was a place. The snake depicts the image of independence, and without the unification of all its parts, it will not be complete. The title â€Å"JOIN, or DIE† of this drawing is demanding. The author of this drawing wanted to say that if the colonists wanted to achieve independence, they must unite and fight together for their common cause (A). In regards to unity, during 1774 and 1775, there were 17 contributors of Donations for the Relief of Boston. This astonishing number of contributors reflects the desire and willingness for unification. It shows that from anywhere as north as Massachusetts and as south as South Carolina, the colonies wanted to help each other out when another was in need. This fact is clearly evident that indeed America was slowly but surely trying to unite and fight as one (G). Another piece of evidence, which was composed in the 1770’s, can be seen in the Letters from an American Farmer by Hector St. John Crà ¨vecoeur. The narrator in this letter says that he â€Å"could point out to you a family whose grandfather was an Englishman, whose wife was Dutch, whose son married a French woman† (H). This quote shows that people were creating a new race, which in return, brings unification amongst different nationalities in colonial America.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Compare and contrast the attitudes to war as reflected in for the :: English Literature

Compare and contrast the attitudes to war as reflected in for the fallen and the send off. 'For the fallen' and 'The Send-off' are poems written demonstrating attitudes towards war. Whilst banyan conveys an idealised, romantic picture of war that depicts the soldiers as heroic and courageous, Owens attitudes towards war are more pessimistic in nature. Owen uses appearance versus reality to show the corruption and misery of war. Binyan and Owen convey their attitudes through the language, structure and poetic devices they employ The attitudes to war in 'for the fallen' are patriotic and romanticised. The opening lines, 'with proud thanksgiving,' suggest grandeur, prestige and honour. Binyan conveys the ideas that fighting for your country, and serving in the war is honourable. To emphasise the honour of fighting in the war banyan employs a metaphorical representation of England as the capital mother. 'a mother for her children,' through personifying England as a mother it is almost like England has nurtured and shaped her children which are symbolic of the soldier which depicts the view that it was the soldiers duty to fight for their country. The repetition of the words 'for her,' evokes guilt in the readers as banyan illustrates the attitude at the time being that England has done so much for the soldiers that it was expected of them to give back to their country. Contrasting to the patriotic and idealised image of war and serving your country the representation that Owen conveys of war, is eerie and daunting,' the darkening lanes.' The imagery of the 'darkening lane' could reflect the lives of the solders sent to war, it suggests that their death were almost inevitable and they were bound to death before they wee even sent off. The use of the word darkening eliminates any hope the readers may have and illustrates Owens attitude that they're no hope in fighting and without hope there was no purpose or point in fighting. Owen also expresses certain vulnerability in the soldiers as they are sent into a world which they know nothing about. Similarly Binyan demonstrates the same naivety and innocence of the soldiers that served in the war. 'They went with songs to the battle,' suggests that the soldiers were unprepared and unaware of the harsh realities of war, which is reflected in the behaviour. Binyan demonstrates that the soldiers entered the battle field with aspirations, the fact that they were ready to fight for their country 'against the odds uncounted,' and went almost willingly 'with songs,' demonstrates honour. Binyan follows this with, 'they were young,' which emphasises their naivety and innocence; the soldiers were vulnerable but remained 'true of eye, steady and aflow,' which Compare and contrast the attitudes to war as reflected in for the :: English Literature Compare and contrast the attitudes to war as reflected in for the fallen and the send off. 'For the fallen' and 'The Send-off' are poems written demonstrating attitudes towards war. Whilst banyan conveys an idealised, romantic picture of war that depicts the soldiers as heroic and courageous, Owens attitudes towards war are more pessimistic in nature. Owen uses appearance versus reality to show the corruption and misery of war. Binyan and Owen convey their attitudes through the language, structure and poetic devices they employ The attitudes to war in 'for the fallen' are patriotic and romanticised. The opening lines, 'with proud thanksgiving,' suggest grandeur, prestige and honour. Binyan conveys the ideas that fighting for your country, and serving in the war is honourable. To emphasise the honour of fighting in the war banyan employs a metaphorical representation of England as the capital mother. 'a mother for her children,' through personifying England as a mother it is almost like England has nurtured and shaped her children which are symbolic of the soldier which depicts the view that it was the soldiers duty to fight for their country. The repetition of the words 'for her,' evokes guilt in the readers as banyan illustrates the attitude at the time being that England has done so much for the soldiers that it was expected of them to give back to their country. Contrasting to the patriotic and idealised image of war and serving your country the representation that Owen conveys of war, is eerie and daunting,' the darkening lanes.' The imagery of the 'darkening lane' could reflect the lives of the solders sent to war, it suggests that their death were almost inevitable and they were bound to death before they wee even sent off. The use of the word darkening eliminates any hope the readers may have and illustrates Owens attitude that they're no hope in fighting and without hope there was no purpose or point in fighting. Owen also expresses certain vulnerability in the soldiers as they are sent into a world which they know nothing about. Similarly Binyan demonstrates the same naivety and innocence of the soldiers that served in the war. 'They went with songs to the battle,' suggests that the soldiers were unprepared and unaware of the harsh realities of war, which is reflected in the behaviour. Binyan demonstrates that the soldiers entered the battle field with aspirations, the fact that they were ready to fight for their country 'against the odds uncounted,' and went almost willingly 'with songs,' demonstrates honour. Binyan follows this with, 'they were young,' which emphasises their naivety and innocence; the soldiers were vulnerable but remained 'true of eye, steady and aflow,' which

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Physics Lab

In the Tumble Buggy Lab, my partners and I used several different methods to calculate the velocity of a Tumble Buggy. The methods we used were a meter stick and a timer, a Spark Timer, a Photogate, and a Motion Sensor. Each method was different but overall, our velocities were very similar. Using the meter stick and timer, our velocity was 0. 22 m/s. With the spark timer, our velocity was 0. 26 m/s. Next, the velocity found with the Photogate was 0. 325 m/s. Finally, when we used the motion sensor, we found our velocity to be 0. 34 m/s. This lab is prone to some mechanical and human error.First, the meter stick and timer method. This method is the least accurate because it is the most subject to human error. While doing this method, one person must time the car as it moves a distance of one meter. This can be very inaccurate because the timer could start the timer to early or to late and could stop the timer to early or to late. Next we have the Spark Timer. This method uses special tapes and burns small holes into the tape every tenth of a second. The Spark Timer is very accurate and the timing is very precise. Our third trial was the Photogate.I believe that this device is the most accurate because it measures the speed at which a flag placed on top of the buggy passes through a infrared beam, breaking the beam. The final trial was the motion sensor. Although this device is accurate it is subject to human error. This error comes into play when the person is starting and stopping the buggy in the motion sensor. The error is that you cannot be sure if the motion sensor is hitting the buggy at all times, effecting the data. Overall, I believe that this lab went well but if I were to redo the lab, I would definitely have more than one trial using each device.

The Increasing Value of Information Technology

Information technology is either field that involves computer technology. This includes ironware maintenance, software development, networking solutions and technical support. Modern line of workes all perpetuallyyplace the world rely on computers to affaire and maintain high standards of efficiency and customer service. Without IT professionals, companies would not take away qualified professionals to serve maintain the technological elements inherent to their passing(a) melody necessitates. Why does I. T require on pipeline? Speed right away what the businesses hold is the sheer swiftness at which computers and related technologies heap process teaching. email is a perfect sheath, as it eliminates the wish to wait several days for a packet of documents to prepare a lymph node or business associate.IT can speed up the epoch it takes new products to reach the market. Computer-assisted design and manufacturing software speed up decision making. From innovati ons in microprocessors to efficient dose delivery systems, training technology helps businesses act quickly to changing customer requirements. readiness Increased speed often leads to increase efficiency. While eliminating the need to wait for packages or sensitive materials to arrive, businesses are able to take and respond to changes instantly. This improved response snip almost guarantees a higher dislodge at eliminating potential issues by allowing businesses to contradict quickly.* Multi-Tasking Another business advantage of information technologies is the ability of computers to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. Provided the hardware is ble to support it, the operator may bring several different programs functioning at the same time. For example you shake up a node and you are making communication with him/ her nevertheless at the same time you need to complete the financial deal of the company. With the help of I. T. you may chat with your client at the sam e time you wasting disease the excel for the fast computation. * Low live IT allows companies to reduce transaction and implementation make ups. For example, the cost of a desktop computer today is a fraction of what it was in the archaean 1980s, and yet the computers are considerably much decently.IT-based productivity solutions, from word processing to email, have allowed companies to save on the costs of duplication and postage, while maintaining and improving product part and customer service. Uses of I. T in Business Online Advertising One of the main advantages of information technology is the ability for companies throughout many different industries to advertise their products and function via the mesh An example of this is Facebook advertising, as of now many sellers are using this social networking turn up to post their adds and some of them started their business in facebook .M angiotensin-converting enzymey Transfer Online shopping, bill payments and capital t ransfers are also key examples of how businesses employ information technology. By allowing consumers to access products and services from any computer, whether at work or at home, companies have made it easier than ever for people to move m hotshoty. For example like a shot in business transferring money is not a problem anymore because of I. T with just one click in Mozilla or in Google chrome you can search any online money transfer, irrelevant few centuries ago you hush up need to go to the nearest money gram. conversation One of the most powerful business tools that technology was provided is the ability to communicate planetary almost without restrictions. E-mail and web cameras have greatly increased the efficiency of convocation gossips by allowing meetings to be conducted internationally. For example cellular phones and laptops are the most useful things that were created by the I. T. with the help of cellular phones you can call any business partner you need to make an important conversation, anytime and aywhere. Portability The development of laptop computers and cellular phones have allowed anyone to work from anywhere.As technology enables us to make powerful computers smaller, we become free to travel or even exercise while still monitoring our businesses. Data Storage every business had to maintain enormous stockpiles of newspaper publisher documents, technology has enables the modern business to minimise the amount of files they must warehouse. The first shape of Information Technology management is that one reduplicate of business data is never enough you have to secure your business data by backing it up. An example of this is the portable flash drives. With just one click you have double copy of your file. Ihat t give us not just hard copy but also soft copies.